What’s happening in the world of Hyperventilating Eyes?
The Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider Foundation Australia is a registered not for profit sea-roots organisation dedicated to the protection of Australia’s waves and beaches through conservation, activism, research and education.
Our Mission is to inspire an engaged surfing and coastal community who are passionate about protecting oceans, waves and beaches.
The Jane Goodall Institute
Welcome to Eko-Eko — a movement that seeks to highlight and encourage action for the preservation of the incredible biodiversity in the Asia Pacific region. Working with local wildlife and nature photographers, Eko-Eko aims to give a face and a voice to some of the most unique and magnificent living beings of this region and the landscapes they call home. Come discover them — and sign up to volunteer with participating NGOs to make a positive difference to their environments.
Follow what shoots i’ve been on & whats on the horizon for with Hyperventilating Eyes.